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Indigenous Health, in less than 500 words

This is a ted x talk I had the pleasure of assisting last year in Kingston ON. While this specific talk by Michelle Chubb is not directed at Indigenous health, I strongly believe to understand health issues of a specific group we must be able to understand their past and their struggles. Michelle talks about the Indian Act, and the suffering of her ancestors; where the trauma all started.

This short video explores the perspectives that health care professionals should have towards the culture of indigenous populations.

Indigenous people in Canada are divided in 3 groups based on their specific heritage, cultures, stories, language and beliefs. These 3 groups are First Nations, Inuit and Metis. In Canada, Indigenous People are a vulnerable population and they suffer many health inequalities compared to the rest of Canadians (Cameron et al.,2014).

Access to health care is an important social determinant of health. Unfortunately access to healthcare is variable for our indigenous population in Canada, largely dependent on geographical issues, but also based on the fact we do not understand the health care needs of their culture.

As a critical care nurse in a large hospital, we have a partnership with northern indigenous communities that do not have critical care services, or even specialized services for that matter. Intensive Care Unit admissions were 3 times higher in the Indigenous population in Alberta than of any other Albertans (Laupland et al., 2006). The indigenous population at baseline have a documented higher rate of chronic disease and comorbidities, making them more susceptible for critical illnesses. I find in our nursing practice, and even as a hospital setting practice, we have a lack in education in the needs for our indigenous partners. We have a lack in knowing what is important to them when it comes to their health and they practice while we impose our western medical background in the care. We strive as health care professionals to provide the best possible care for our patients, but how can we do this without knowing what is important to them in matters of their health, and even after their death.

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