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My Social Professional Identity

I am a Registered Nurse, which from my research for this course I have confirmed that we are in fact the largest group within all the allied health care partners. We are at the core of the health care system, and have the possibility of the largest voice for our patients.

Until this course (Critical Foundations in Health Disciplines) I had nearly no professional digital identity. I had a social identity, like most do, but was reserved in my social posts since becoming a nurse. I always feared the rumors would be true, that by posting some wild photos or far out there posts, future employers would see that, and not respect me in my profession and I would only be remembered as some university girl out partying. Slowly over the years, my social posts have dwindled down to almost nothing. But I’m excited to learn the world of a professional identity, one that I must admit, I wasn’t sure could exist for a Registered Nurse that is outside of the academia world, and spending my time at the patient bedside. I have learned this world is used for me to network with others of my own profession, with others from allied health professions, all with the common goal to better ourselves, inform ourselves, educate ourselves and explore new possibilities.

I am slowly gaining some confidence in sharing my knowledge and sharing my curated information with others. I am learning to take the time and read other blog posts which has been helpful in eliciting some internal conversations that make me stop and reflect which has made me explore new perspectives on certain topics, as well as learn a thing or two along the way.

I currently have near anonymous professional identity apart from my name maybe appearing here or there, to which I realize is a mistake on my part. I have worked many places, I have participated in many groups, developed projects, sat on committees, but where can I showcase all this information? I should be proud of my actions and my accomplishments and want to share this for all to explore. This is where the creation of my E-portfolio comes in. The tool I never knew existed, but is so easily accessed once it was brought to my attention.

With so much misinformation in the world, that the public can access at the tap of a button, I would like for people to know that when they read a blog post, or read some of my shared information, they can trust that they can have reliable and factual information. My professional values of accountability and curiosity are at my core of my own personal identity as a registered nurse. I realize now the impact I can have as a professional in the social media world. Where I shied away from such a concept in the past, I hope I will now learn to embrace it, not only because it is required of me, but more so because I enjoy it. I hope this course will only be the start of creating a new professional identity that I can be honoured to share with others.

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